The Buddha, it seems to me, intuitively connected in some ways with the Stillness of the Father.
However, since he was before Christ and the revelation that took place in salvation history , he did not have the revelation of the Logos that came in the Incarnation of Christ. Nor was he aware of the Revelation of the pesonsal God that prepared the way for the Incarnation that came through Abraham and Moses and the Prophets. For to Abraham was revealed the Personal God whose lovingkindness, his Chesed, led Him to strike Covenent with Abraham. To Moses who was in the spiritual and physical lineage of Abraham came the Revelation of the Shema, "The Lord our God is Composite Unity." In line was this was the revelation of the creation event where God said ,"Let us make man in our Image", thereby revealing that God was both one and plural, the antinomy finally elucidated in the revelation of the Trinity at Christ's baptism.
Without the Judeao-Christian revelation, of which the Logos was the supreme expression, one does not know that the Stillness is the Father, and He concluded that the Absolute was an impersonal, that union with the Brahman was a union with the impesonal absolute, and that our sense of personal individuation, including consciousness, was an illusion, that must be overcome by Enlightenment. He wrongly concluded that all is manifestation of God since He did not have the revelation that creation is an order distinct from God, having an essence different from that of God, yet a creation that was sustained by God, a non-pantheistic panentheism. Since he was also before the revelation of the Holy Spirit that took place at Christ's baptism, and was poured out on all flesh at Pentecost, he did not have an understanding of the Spirit who impells all men forward to find the Logos. Thus, the Buddha and His Enligtenment was an Eastern, intuitive anticipation of the Doctrine of the Shema, that of God being a composite unity, fully explicated in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and the mysticism inherent in the worship of the Holy Trinity found in Christian Eastern Orthodoxy.
In addition, because the Buddha existed and meditated before the Union of Heaven and Earth that took place in the ascension of Christ, and before the harrowing of Hell wherein Christ took the righteous from Sheol to Paradise, the meditations of the Buddha concluded wrongly that the Stillness was an Impersonal and had no experience of the Communion of Saints, because there were no Saints in the heavenlies to commune with. How unlike the hesychastic pilgrims who in the pursuit of union with God, as purity of heart is attained through the blood of Christ, and as the Stillness of the Father becomes their constant dwelling place, they find frequent concourse, not only in earth but in heaven, the two being united in Christ, and find their inner mystical spaces populated with the Saints, and the angels, and the souls of just men made perfect, and supremely, Christ, who ever lives to make intercession for us.
That the Buddha found the Stillness that is the Father seems evident; the conclusion and doctrines he eluted from that experience were wrong, but we can't fault him for that, since he lived before the Incarnation. It is a shame that Western Christians who now have the doctrine of the Incarnation, fail so many times upon the basis of the doctrine, to go on and know the energies of the Logos sufficiently that the also enter into the Stillness of the Father, causing a stumbling block for many who are disciples of the Buddha, who having known the Stillness, fail to go on and Know Who the Stillness is, and Who it is that Reveals the Who of the Stillness, and miss the Spirit of Truth who impells us along, revealing the Logos, so that we might return to the Father.
Lord, have mercy on us all.